Ambila Answers Segment
Thursdays @ 10.00am
Facebook The Female CEO Community
I did this over the weekend – and struggled – it’s not something we are asked.
Be honest about your relationship with yourself
How do you treat yourself
Know this, how you treat yourself is how you will treat others and what you seek in others if what you are not giving yourself
What do you think about yourself
What do you feel about your self – is it love / or just something you don’t think about
Your accomplishments
Your growth
What do you class as failures
The root of our beliefs and how we see and interact with the world comes from our upbringing and the people and experiences that surrounded us
Adopt an attitude of curiosity and acceptance
Prioritise basic self-care - Sleep / nutrition / activity / rest / recreation / positive mental habits
Be kind to yourself. This doesn't mean "letting yourself off the hook" or shirking responsibility, but it also isn’t about blaming yourself for things that are outside your control and have nothing to do with you
Ask for help – strength not weakness
Celebrate and praise yourself for all the good things and hard work you do – give yourself a ¼ appraisal
“The better you know yourself, the better your relationship with the rest of the world.” Toni Collette